Tag Archives: tough-battles

Tournament of THG Couples Edition: Last Chance to Vote in Quarterfinal Matchups!

Welcome to the Tournament of THG: Couples Edition, where you decide the best celebrity couple EVER! The concept is simple: Pick your favorite pair in each poll. Done. The semifinal round begins Monday, so this is your last chance to cast virtual ballots for the second-round contests, all hotly contested star-studded battles. Robsten, the Royals, the President and First Lady, and Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are all in tough battles as the fight to make the vaunted Final Four. Who will advance to the semifinals? We will update the official bracket and begin the next round next week. Until then, VOTE below (and after the jump)!

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Tournament of THG Couples Edition: Last Chance to Vote in Quarterfinal Matchups!