Did Nick Gordon Murder Bobbi Kristina? There’s been another revelation in the case of Bobbi Kristina’s death that directly accuses her boyfriend of murdering her by “deadly injection”. A public court document has been obtained where a Brown’s family lawyer alleges Bobbi Kristina and Gordon had a violent argument when he then injected her with a toxin, resulting in her death. Via RadarOnline : According to the Brown’s conservator, Bedelia Hargrove , the late singer’s boyfriend Nick Gordon murdered her with a deadly injection following a “violent altercation.” READ THE COURT DOCUMENTS HERE “Ms. Brown died due to a violent altercation with Defendant after which he placed her in a bathtub, unconscious, after he injected her with a toxic mixture,” the Plaintiff’s attorneys state in the Georgia Superior Court papers. This civil suit is asking the court to collect evidence and consider Gordon as a suspect, right now he maintains his innocence. Do you think they have enough cause to investigate Nick Gordon for Bobbie Kristina’s death?
Read this article:
Nick Gordon Accused Of Murdering Bobbi Kristina With “Deadly Injection” In Court Document