Tag Archives: transplant-took

A Lil Positivity: Woman Finds Kidney Donor On Facebook

There are still good people in this world . Woman Finds Kidney Donor On Facebook With all these crazy news stories, it’s nice to see something positive like this. According to WFLA: Facebook is usually a place you go to find friends, but a New Port Richey woman went on the social media site to find a kidney. Christine Curti, 50, needed a transplant after she was born with only one kidney. Across the country, in San Diego, CA, Valerie Maupin, 24, wanted to donate a kidney to her friend’s mother, but learned that she wasn’t a match. “I had 6 people either tested or reviewed and they were all turned down for one reason or another,” Curti said. Eager to donate, Maupin searched Facebook and contacted a group dedicated to finding kidneys for those in need. “I’m healthy, I’m young, I’m active, if I can save somebody’s life with just something as simple as this, I should,” Maupin said. The group helped Maupin and Curti connect with each other. The women then met in Gainesville to test Maupin’s compatibility with Curti. The results were encouraging news, doctors said Maupin and Curti were a good match. The transplant took place on Nov. 13 and both women, once strangers, now share a bond they say will last a lifetime. Social media is powerful. ABC

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A Lil Positivity: Woman Finds Kidney Donor On Facebook