Tag Archives: trash-before

Charlie Sheen’s Pornstar that Killed Him of the Day

Charlie Sheen may not be dead yet, but he will be eventually, I mean doing the amount of partying he does, with the funds he has, fucking the trash he fucks, will catch up to him. I am like a low budget version of this guy and I hardly feel alive…I seriously wake up sweating, heart racing, unable to function daily, just shocked to be alive….and I haven’t touched drugs in years….I just hard drink…. After Vegas with Bree Olson and now it is reported he was with this Kacey Jordan trash before being hospitalized, he should really consider starting a porn PR company, cuz motherfucker is putting these broken down bitches on the fucking map… And the whole thing is fucking amazing…except maybe for her pussy…which is an outty not an inny and the color of death…which is appropriate considering Charlie Sheen’s current condition…let her cunt be the mascot of this tragic event…. What a gutter, crackhead lookin’ pig….Seriously….I know you love it.


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Charlie Sheen’s Pornstar that Killed Him of the Day