Tag Archives: trees-replaced

A First Look at Crysis 2

Why does my home state of New York always get the shaft? Between giant monsters, super-villains and destructive aliens, you’d think someone would invest in some top-notch defense detail by now! The latest to call NYC its victim: Crysis 2 , and to witness the rubble in all its digital glory, our own Andrew Pfister flew to the Big Apple to get our first look at the game. What did he see? Long gone are the idyllic beaches, rocky outcrops and lush canopy of the jungle that defined both of the company’s biggest games, Far Cry and Crysis . The pitch now is “urban jungle,” with palm trees replaced by traffic lights, beaches swapped for bus stops, and rocky cliffs transformed into skyscraper rubble. Disaster has once more found a home downtown. Oh great! Why couldn’t this happen to Boise?! See what else is in store for Crysis fans in our full Crysis 2 preview , including a first peek at the new trailer entitled, “The Wall.”