Tag Archives: tremendous-week

Woody Harrelson to Advise John McCain in Game Change

Another day, another casting announcement for HBO’ s Game Change , the movie about the 2008 presidential campaign. Woody Harrelson has been added to the apparent Oscar-nominee-only cast as Steve Schmidt, John McCain’s senior campaign strategist and adviser. Harrelson joins Ed Harris as McCain and Julianne Moore as Sarah Palin in the Jay Roach film. Expect Sarah Palin to continue to belittle this project on Fox News. [ EW ]

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Woody Harrelson to Advise John McCain in Game Change

What Should Be The Weinstein Company’s First Video Game?

A tremendous week of news deserves no less a finale than this: The Weinstein Company is going into the video-game business . “The TWC Games label will utilize The Weinstein Company and Dimension Films’ strong and recognizable properties, and work with external partners to develop and publish video games for mobile, social, and console platforms,” announced a press release, punctuated by Bob Weinstein’s observation: “With all of the digital platforms, there are so many opportunities to broaden our audience with compelling, high quality, cost-efficient, video game entertainment.” No kidding! But what should come first?

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What Should Be The Weinstein Company’s First Video Game?