Tag Archives: trevor-graham

Poor Thang! Barry Bonds Will Be Likely Be “Home Confined” For Christmas… Judge Orders Sentencing For December 16th

Well here’s another hit Barry Bonds … We’ll have yet another opportunity to see just how much “race matters” this December 16 when Barry Bonds heads back to federal court to be sentenced for his obstruction of justice conviction . A jury convicted Bonds in April of giving an evasive, rambling reply when asked whether he received drugs that required a syringe. Jurors couldn’t unanimously decide three other perjury charges alleging that Bonds lied to the grand jury when he denied knowingly taking human growth hormone, steroids and receiving injections from anyone but his doctor. His conviction carries a possible sentence of up to 10 years in prison, yet federal guidelines call for 15-21 months. For similar offenses in the BALCO steroids ring case, U.S. District Judge Susan Illston sentenced cyclist Tammy Thomas to six months of home confinement and track coach Trevor Graham to one year of home confinement. So far all the journalists weighing in on the matter say it would be wrong for Barry to go to jail, but there’s really no telling til the time gets here. As it is, it sucks that he likely won’t be able to play Santa for real since he’s likely to be hit with home confinement even if he doesn’t get sent to the slammer. Do you think the judge will give him a sentence to similar to what’s been given to others in his situation or is it likely he will get a harsher sentence because he’s so hated for being an arrogant black athlete? Source

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Poor Thang! Barry Bonds Will Be Likely Be “Home Confined” For Christmas… Judge Orders Sentencing For December 16th