Filed under: Who’d You Rather? Female singer Patti Smith, 62, and fashion designer Marc Jacobs, 46, crossed paths at the same event in NYC last night.Question is … See Also Eastwood vs
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Patti vs. Marc: Who’d You Rather?
Filed under: Who’d You Rather? Female singer Patti Smith, 62, and fashion designer Marc Jacobs, 46, crossed paths at the same event in NYC last night.Question is … See Also Eastwood vs
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Patti vs. Marc: Who’d You Rather?
Tagged adamjasinski, bigbrother, crossed-paths, denied, drugs, eastwood, flight-risk, his-drug, jacobs, jasinski, nyc, patti, reality, small-area, trial-called
Filed under: Celebrity Justice “Big Brother” winner Adam Jasinski is once again stuck in a small area with people he doesn’t like, because the judge in his drug trial called him a flight risk today and denied his bail.Jasinski was in federal court in Massachusetts today, after he … Permalink
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‘Big Brother’ Winner — Flight Risk
Tagged adamjasinski, bigbrother, denied, drugs, flight-risk, his-drug, jasinski, reality, small-area, trial-called