A few months ago I hitchkiked to New York with a bunch of idiots who didn’t rape me and as I was wandering the streets I ran into a bunch of other idiots and amongst the idiots was some bitch who I got introduced to, but no one told me her name, I was wasted dude was just like “this is drunkenstepfather”, she gave me a bit of a dirty look and I was uninterested in her average at best face. I think I may have even called her a groupie and moved on….a few hours later …. the dude who I said she was a groupie of sends me an email and tells me that it was Shenae Grimes…So the next night I get taken out to dinner by some really busty girl who loves everything I do and I start telling the story, shit talking Grimey Grimes and talking about how she’s just a loser Canadian trash, clown of a bitch, trying to get ahead who will be forgotten in 6 months and I look up, and there’s the she is, sitting at the table next to me, giving me more dirty looks….So I pretty much got busted talking behind this bitch’s back, in front of her back…and she did nothing about it… Cuz celebs have no spines, they say us bloggers won’t say shit about them to their face, and that we are just jealous, but that’s elementary psychology that the real issue is these people just want our fucking acceptance, and can’t grasp why we have so much hate towards them. That’s my theory and I’m sticking to it. And this is Shenae Grimes. Average at best…..who may or may not be my soul mate, since we crossed paths in a big city twice in 24 hours…you just never know…but I fucking hope not…cuz she sucks.

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Shenae Grimes x DrunkenStepfather Story of the Day