If you put stupid shit on a bitches head, it turns from shooting topless pics, like cheap softcore porn, making the girl feel like some low level useless slut….. and becmes art….cuz girls love attention, love being on camera, love being selected from their group of friends to be the girl getting naked, but they’ll only do it if they feel it is tasteful, and not something that makes them look like sluts….even though ultimately, the result is the fucking same and we all see your tits…. But don’t let that discourage you, tricking more girls into getting involved and half naked is a good thing….it helps my world go round. It recruits the girls on the fence to show their tits…and I love looking at tits. I approve of this message: LIKE US ON FACEBOOK EVEN IF YOU DON’T LIKE US
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Lenka Varvarova Titties for Fashion of the Day