Tag Archives: troop-increases

Lou Dobbs leaves CNN

The evolution of CNN anchor Lou Dobbs from financial news wizard to populist defender of American jobs to right-wing promoter of “birther” conspiracies appears to have come to an abrupt end with his announcement Wednesday evening that he's leaving the network to “pursue new opportunities.” “This will be my last broadcast here on CNN, where I've worked for most of the past 30 years,” Dobbs told an unsuspecting audience on Lou Dobbs Tonight. added by: SleepDirt 31 comments

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Lou Dobbs leaves CNN

Official: Obama rejects all Afghan war options

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama does not plan to accept any of the Afghanistan war options presented by his national security team, pushing instead for revisions to clarify how and when U.S. troops would turn over responsibility to the Afghan government, a senior administration official said Wednesday

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Official: Obama rejects all Afghan war options