Tag Archives: turning-on-said

This Girl Will Never Use a Power Drill to Eat Corn Again

We've seen some pretty crazy Internet trends over the past several years. For example, remember the Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge ? But sticking one's mouth over the opening of a small bottle in order swell up one's lips to resemble those of Kylie Jenner actually seems like an award-winning idea when compared to the latest Internet trend. It involves a piece of corn on the cob… a power drill… and some not very intelligent people. Sorry. We hate to pass judgment like that. But this entire challenge involve placing a piece of corn on the cob on a power drill, actually turning on said power drill and then using it to eat the corn as quickly as possible. Sometimes, it works and one eats the corn in 10 seconds . And the reward this person then gets is…. a bunch of video hits? Hooray, we guess? Conversely, eating corn on the cob with a power drill can be very dangerous (SHOCKER, we know), as evidenced by the video below. It features a young woman who takes this challenge, who gets a few bites in… and then who immediately regrets it. She'll be fine in the end. But she may need to get used to a new look for awhile. Watch to see what we mean:

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This Girl Will Never Use a Power Drill to Eat Corn Again