Tag Archives: tweeted-friday

Emilie De Ravin: Pregnant with First Child!

Once Upon a Time, Emilie De Ravin was blessed with a special reason to purchase fairy tale books from Amazon or other outlets: She’s pregnant!!!!! The actress, best known for roles on Lost and Once Upon a Time, is expecting her first child. “I wanted to share some exciting news…me & @ericbilitch are expecting a baby!!” De Ravin Tweeted Friday, while boyfriend Eric Bilitch added: “Tis truly a dream come true and we could not be happier… We are over the moon with joy! Could not be more excited to be starting a family with @emiliederavin.” The actress and the director went public with their relationship during a trip to Paris in the summer of 2014, holding hands while being photographed in, appropriately, The City of Love. You can see De Ravin every week when you watch Once Upon a Time online … and you can send her your very best wishes now! View Slideshow: Celebrities Expecting Babies in 2015

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Emilie De Ravin: Pregnant with First Child!

Rihanna Nude Fragrance Ad: That’s Actually Its Name

A smoking hot, blonde Rihanna wants you to get Nude. Nude being the name of her new fragrance, that is. “Here is my new ad for a brand new fragrance #NUDE !!! Make sure you smell sexy, especially naked, this fall,” the pop star Tweeted Friday, with a link to the above pic. Early reviews say it smells like low self-esteem and Chris Brown’s musk. Kidding. Although when a follower asked what it smells like, she responded, “ME!!!” Given how close Rihanna and Chris Brown have been lately, that might not be far off. And as for the meaning behind the perfume’s name, besides making fans conjure up images of Rihanna nude , she said, “it means u don’t need to wear anything else.” Good to know. Hopefully she follows the advice of her own tagline and ditches that pink bra and bedsheet for her next promotional campaign. If anyone even buys it, that is. Would you want to be with/smell like Rihanna nude?

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Rihanna Nude Fragrance Ad: That’s Actually Its Name

Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka married

“David and I did propose to each other, but over five years ago!” wrote Harris. “We#39;ve been wearing engagement rings for ages, waiting for an available date.” Countless New Yorkers rejoiced on Friday when news broke that the state had legalized g-ay marriage. Among the revelers: Neil Patrick Harris. “It PASSED!” he Tweeted Friday night. “Marriage equality in NY!! Yes!! Progress!! Thank you everyone who worked so hard on this!! A historic night!!” What#39;s more, on Saturday, the actor, 38,

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Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka married

David Arquette Car Accident Photo

David Arquette, 39, was taken by ambulance to the hospital after his car reportedly slammed head-on into another vehicle on a Beverly Hills street. About two hours later, he took to Twitter, writing: “Remember to wear your seatbelt-wish I was.” David Arquette emerged from a car crash banged up but with his sense of humor intact. “I got into a car accident but i#39;m fine. Luckily I have dragon#39;s blood running through my veins,” he Tweeted Friday, riffing on Charlie Sheen#39;s “tiger blood

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David Arquette Car Accident Photo