After two seasons Demi Lovato is leaving The X Factor. The former Disney star plans on spending the next year focused on her music. The “Heart Attack” singer…
After two seasons Demi Lovato is leaving The X Factor. The former Disney star plans on spending the next year focused on her music. The “Heart Attack” singer…
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, Music, News, TV, V, Videos
Tagged api, bennyhollywood, celebs, developers, discontinue, efforts, experiences, Heart Attack, Hollywood, Music, product, require, two-seasons, video, Yahoo
Really, it was only a matter of time. While The Real Housewives of New Jersey’s resident paranoid Manzo avenger Danielle Staub has spent the past two seasons trying to convince…
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Surprise! Real Housewives’ "Prostitution Whore" Has a Sex Tape
Posted in Celebrities, TV
Tagged danielle, danielle-staub, Hollywood, housewives, jersey, manzo, past, resident-paranoid, spent-the-past, the-past, TMZ, two-seasons
Your guide to two seasons of murder, meth and money-laundering.
The rest is here:
Fake Your Way Through It: Breaking Bad
Tagged bennyhollywood, guide, Hollywood, news shows, shows, TMZ, tv shows, two-seasons, young celebrities
When DeAnna Pappas was The Bachelorette two seasons ago, men were lining up to get to her. Last night at the Tea Room in Hollywood, guys were still lining up, but this time it was to get…
Originally posted here:
DeAnna Pappas: From Bachelorette to Bartender
Posted in Celebrities, TV
Tagged bachelorette, guys-were, Hollywood, men-were, pappas, still-lining, time, two-seasons