Tag Archives: uncomfortable

Taylor Lautner: Not A Growler

New Moon’s werewolf Taylor Lautner says he gets some weird requests from fans. The latest?

See more here:
Taylor Lautner: Not A Growler

Screw Twitter, you can follow this politician’s GPS ankle bracelet

Michael Untermeyer better steer clear of the strip clubs for the next thirty days. The candidate for Philly DA has chosen to wear an electronic monitoring anklet like the thugs get to wear.

Go here to see the original:
Screw Twitter, you can follow this politician’s GPS ankle bracelet

Dolphin season open, but no hunters showing up

This week marked the opening of dolphin hunting season in Japan. During the six-month season, thousands of dolphins are corralled into narrow coves and captured for sale to aquariums or amusement parks. Those not captured are killed for meat

See original here:
Dolphin season open, but no hunters showing up