Tag Archives: underage-she

Kelly Brook Is Just Pure Hotness

Here’s the amazing Kelly Brook dressed up as an angel, hanging out in her sexy underwear, doing her thing for some new lingerie ad or something. I don’t normally like the photoshopped look, unless they’re airbrushing in some bigger breasts, but I like this artsy fartsy crap. Real classy like. These would make pretty good posters, I could hang them over my bed… If I was fifteen years old or it was nineteen eighty-five or the internet wasn’t invented. Still hot though. Enjoy.

Miley Cyrus’ Boring Old Legs

Hmmm, I’m not too thrilled with these pictures of Miley Cyrus , I mean she’s showing off her legs and all, but she’s really gone downhill in my opinion. When she was underage she wore sluttier clothing than this, not that I enjoyed that kind of thing or anything, but now that she’s an old woman she’s become pretty frumpy. A t-shirt and a sweater?… Boring!

JWoww In Her See Through Stripper Gown

Somebody thought it would be a good idea to invite Jenni Farley aka JWoWW to Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week ….. Seriously? JWoWW and fashion aren’t words that I ever thought I’d see together in the same sentence, JWoWW and strip club or STD or domestic violence on the other hand go really well together. Anyhow, here she is at the Richie Rich Fall 2011 show in kind of a see through dress. Kind of because I can see her thong, but there’s not a nipple in sight anywhere. Maybe she doesn’t have any nipples, she couldn’t have spent a whole lot of money on those boobs, maybe it was cheaper to leave the nips off. Odd.

Miley Cyrus Needs To Step It Up A Notch

I’m getting kind of sick of all these pictures of Miley Cyrus walking around the suburbs in her casual wear getting coffee or whatever, what the hell am I supposed to do with this crap? Here she is taking her rat in a dog suit out for a walk in some disgusting dumpy period sweatpants. Whoop-ti-doo! When she was underage she’d always be caught wearing slutty little outfits going to parties, and now that she’s an adult she walks around like she’s on her way to ladies softball practice. Boring!