Tag Archives: underwear-pic

Selena Gomez Bra and Panty Selfie of the Day

In the biggest news in the history of news….that I guess is motivated by being ditched for a lingerie model….Selena Gomez has released to social media…a picture of her taking a self shot underwear pic…like she too is a lingerie model…despite her body screaming that she is anything but a lingerie model….even though people like me encourage all girls, bodies and shapes to be lingerie models….at least in my inbox and on my cell phone…because it helps me with my masturbation… That said..I like where this is going…even if it’s not as good as a sex tape…it is the right level of falling off for attention…and I mean..it’s Selena Gomez in her bra and panties…that’s a big deal in some circles…so just take it all in, I know it is hard to digest and process you fucking pervert…. I guess it’s possible that this isn’t actual her crying for attention…but a wet pre-shower Gomez leaking this pic makes for a better story….

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Selena Gomez Bra and Panty Selfie of the Day