Tag Archives: worst-possible

Sexy African Dance and Other Videos of the Day

Jukebox Hero… Brazilian Bathroom Cleaner Junky Couple Dude Provokes the Wrong Guy Wooden Bridge Collapse Elevator Clips Zip Line In Case You Missed it – the Johnny Rockets Girl Getting Naked

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Sexy African Dance and Other Videos of the Day

Katy Perry Ridiculous Butt Shot of the Day

Katy Perry is probably the worst first post of 2019. The worst possible bikini picture I could put up here. The most negative energy to ever come wrapped in a bikini. I am not a fan of anything Katy Perry or the scam that she pulled off navigating the entertainment industry. I don’t believe she has actual fans and if she does….they are obviously half retards and her music is used to divide society, so you know who to interact with and who to avoid….. I am not a fan of her body, or her big tits that perverts on the internet have fixated on, since it’s all she has going for her….because all I see is a sloppy bitch looking sloppy. I can handle this kind of behavior from even the most miserable of women to look at partaking in this kind of behavior…because I am a pervert and slutty ass shots are fun…it’s just unfortunate that 2019 had to start off so shitty…unless you’re a Katy Perry fan, in which case…I can’t interact with you.

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Katy Perry Ridiculous Butt Shot of the Day

Kim Kardashian Pregnant Ass is More Disgusting Than Non-Pregnant of the Day

Just when you thought Kim Kardashian was the worst possible human…you know sent here from hell to pollute the world….disgusting on all fronts…not hot…but marketed as hot…a pornstar…but marketed as a victim….which was probably good strategy cuz her porno fucking sucked…. You know just when you’re like this fat dark skinned slut is just about as vile as fucking possible… She goes and fills herself up with a fucking clone…. Whether those intentions were as evil and self serving as you’d expect….or not…the fact is her genetic line continues…and knowing that a baby is inside her….makes her fat ass even more disgusting than it was a week ago…before they announced this shit…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Kim Kardashian Pregnant Ass is More Disgusting Than Non-Pregnant of the Day

Selena Gomez Bra and Panty Selfie of the Day

In the biggest news in the history of news….that I guess is motivated by being ditched for a lingerie model….Selena Gomez has released to social media…a picture of her taking a self shot underwear pic…like she too is a lingerie model…despite her body screaming that she is anything but a lingerie model….even though people like me encourage all girls, bodies and shapes to be lingerie models….at least in my inbox and on my cell phone…because it helps me with my masturbation… That said..I like where this is going…even if it’s not as good as a sex tape…it is the right level of falling off for attention…and I mean..it’s Selena Gomez in her bra and panties…that’s a big deal in some circles…so just take it all in, I know it is hard to digest and process you fucking pervert…. I guess it’s possible that this isn’t actual her crying for attention…but a wet pre-shower Gomez leaking this pic makes for a better story….

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Selena Gomez Bra and Panty Selfie of the Day

Kesha (Ke$ha)’s Possible Horrible Pussy Lips of the Day

I don’t know what’s going on here…but I know I don’t like it…Katy Perry’s best friend, personal assistant, hipster groupie sidekick who made it thanks to being in LA, fucking the right people, and latching onto her annoying friend….is on stage..probably performing the worst possible pile of shit song your ears can fucking handle…but that radios play because that’s how this garbage music industry works…polluting our lives….against our will….is flashing her pussy lips in a pair of gold panties she’s wearing on stage..and should be arrested for wearing in public…and more importantly….for ruining the youth who buy into her act…. I guess it is possible that she’s wearing nude colored pants under her fishnets – but where’s the fun in that….even if it makes for a more hygienic, less vile…experience… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Kesha (Ke$ha)’s Possible Horrible Pussy Lips of the Day

Lindsay Lohan in Jail: No Cigarettes = Huge Problem!

Lindsay Lohan’s close friends are concerned about her going to jail . Not on moral grounds or anything like that. They’re just worried the train wreck won’t survive a day without the one thing she can’t live without … cigarettes. Lohan is likely to do time at the same all-female facility where Paris Hilton was locked up in ’07, and the place has a serious zero tolerance no-smoking policy. Bad news for Lindsay. She’s a “serious chain-smoker,” blowing through at least two packs a day. “The first thing she does when she wakes up is light a cigarette,” a friend says. SMOKED: Lindsay Lohan must surrender July 20 to begin her 90-day jail sentence. Maybe she can draft up a legal manifesto to score some cigarettes in the slammer? The source adds, “I’m honestly scared for [Lindsay] … I don’t think she’s gone a day without smoking in years. This isn’t something she can stop overnight.” “It’s a serious condition.” We’d feel bad, except had she not displayed the worst possible attitude , acting like a spoiled brat who is somehow above the law, while flat-out ignoring very reasonable probation terms, she’d be free to smoke all day on the outside. Just saying. It’s her fault. The upside is that if she goes to the Lynwood facility July 20, as expected, it could actually lead to her kicking the habit, if she’s willing to put in the effort. Don’t hold your breath.

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Lindsay Lohan in Jail: No Cigarettes = Huge Problem!

Earthquake Struck At Worst Possible Moment For Aspiring Quarter-Catching Record Holder [Video Uh Oh]

Meet Mike Turber. He claims to hold the world record in quarter-catching , a bar game about catching quarters. Yesterday, he decided to try for a new record. After carefully balancing 70 quarters on his elbow and preparing to catch them… More