Tag Archives: blowing-through

Lou Ferrigno: ‘Charlie Sheen Will Overcome His Disease’


Stepping out of celebrity chow wagon BOA, The Incredible Hulk legend Lou Ferrigno says that Charlie Sheen is a good guy who will overcome his disease of addiction. The expressions of the disease might very well extend into the drug or pornographic arenas, the former Hulk elaborates, and when one is successful like Charlie, blowing through half a million bucks in six months on sex ‘n drugs is not unusual given the nature of addiction. Regardless, Lou is confident Charlie will overcome this battle. But the question is begged — is this life following art?

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Lou Ferrigno: ‘Charlie Sheen Will Overcome His Disease’

Lindsay Lohan in Jail: No Cigarettes = Huge Problem!

Lindsay Lohan’s close friends are concerned about her going to jail . Not on moral grounds or anything like that. They’re just worried the train wreck won’t survive a day without the one thing she can’t live without … cigarettes. Lohan is likely to do time at the same all-female facility where Paris Hilton was locked up in ’07, and the place has a serious zero tolerance no-smoking policy. Bad news for Lindsay. She’s a “serious chain-smoker,” blowing through at least two packs a day. “The first thing she does when she wakes up is light a cigarette,” a friend says. SMOKED: Lindsay Lohan must surrender July 20 to begin her 90-day jail sentence. Maybe she can draft up a legal manifesto to score some cigarettes in the slammer? The source adds, “I’m honestly scared for [Lindsay] … I don’t think she’s gone a day without smoking in years. This isn’t something she can stop overnight.” “It’s a serious condition.” We’d feel bad, except had she not displayed the worst possible attitude , acting like a spoiled brat who is somehow above the law, while flat-out ignoring very reasonable probation terms, she’d be free to smoke all day on the outside. Just saying. It’s her fault. The upside is that if she goes to the Lynwood facility July 20, as expected, it could actually lead to her kicking the habit, if she’s willing to put in the effort. Don’t hold your breath.

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Lindsay Lohan in Jail: No Cigarettes = Huge Problem!