Tag Archives: unlikely-haven

India’s Chaplin-loving town

A small town in the western Indian state of Gujarat is an unlikely haven for Charlie Chaplin impersonators. The BBC's Soutik Biswas travelled to the town of Adipur to find out why. In the rising heat of a flaming Indian summer, more than 100 people have gathered in a small town in Gujarat to celebrate Charlie Chaplin's birthday. There are girls and boys, men and women. They are young and old, fit and feeble. They have all trooped out into the streets of Adipur dressed up like the legendary actor's tramp – toothbrush moustache, bowler hat, scruffy black suit, cane. What binds them is a love of Chaplin's cinema – most are members of the Charlie Circle, a local fan club which has been celebrating the actor's birthday every April since 1973. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/8631348.stm added by: Burnside359