An Oklahoma woman copped a plea last week to a prostitution charge for accepting a box of Frito-Lay chips in exchange for oral sex.
Chips And Dip
An Oklahoma woman copped a plea last week to a prostitution charge for accepting a box of Frito-Lay chips in exchange for oral sex.
Chips And Dip
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged Assets, idaho, improper-relationships, like-animals, mother, oklahoma, plea-last, troubling-allegations, tumultuous, untold-recaps, week
Michael Jackson’s death today will trigger untold recaps of his tumultuous life, which included troubling allegations about his improper relationships with young boys.
Go here to read the rest:
Michael Jackson’s Other Legacy
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged 911-seeking, court-rules, fergus, like-animals, man-last, police-escort, south, untold-recaps, violating-federal