Tag Archives: urban-cycling

New Study Shows Urban Cycling Is Faster Than Driving

Image Credit iguide For all those politicians who think that roads are for cars, here are some interesting data from Lyon, France: bikes are faster. According to MIT’s Technology Review (via Grist ) the Lyon bike sharing programme collects information on where each bike starts and stops, and how long it takes. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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New Study Shows Urban Cycling Is Faster Than Driving

Bagbike Has Clever Carrier For Urban Cycling

Designboom has been spoonfeeding out the short list in the Seoul Cycle Design Competition 2010 over the last few weeks. Some have been idiosyncratic and odd, but others, like this Bagbike from Francois Bernard, Sonja Breuninger and Marion Pinaffo makes a lot of sense…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Bagbike Has Clever Carrier For Urban Cycling