Tag Archives: user-generated

Bedbug Panic Hits the Web: The Interactive Map [Fearmongering]

In the mood for some bedbug-related fearmongering and/or pranks? Check out BedbugRegistry.com , where users catalog close encounters with the bloodsucking kind. Come, let us explore this terrorizing website and see whose lives we can ruin with it. More

‘We Built Sioux City on Rock and Roll’ Video Goes Viral

Filed under: Videos , Music When Starship ‘s smash hit ‘ We Built This City ‘ came out in 1985, the traffic report and DJ banter heard during the bridge of the song were edited out, encouraging local radio stations to insert their own customized content into the song itself. And you thought ‘ Empire State of Mind ‘ was innovative. Starship was doing user generated content before you were born. Fast forward 25 years. Sioux City radio personalities, firefighters and hometown folks have come together to create a shakily edited lipdub that oozes low-budget dorky whiteness. Share Continue reading