Tag Archives: fearmongering

Does This Dirt Field Look Muslim to You? [Fearmongering]

The Flight 93 memorial in Shanksville, Pa., supposedly honors the brave folks who sacrificed themselves during an in-flight power struggle on 9/11. So why does its design include a huge Muslim crescent pointing at Mecca? Here we go again. More

Bedbug Panic Hits the Web: The Interactive Map [Fearmongering]

In the mood for some bedbug-related fearmongering and/or pranks? Check out BedbugRegistry.com , where users catalog close encounters with the bloodsucking kind. Come, let us explore this terrorizing website and see whose lives we can ruin with it. More

Mind-Controlling Parasites Date Back Millions of Years

Don't worry, your government isn't the first one… “We are now realizing that half of life on Earth is parasitic — each free-living organism has at least one parasite,” Hughes said. “But very few manipulate behaviors and there is a reason for that — it is likely very costly. The fossil now challenges us to think of what past environments acted as selective forces for such cool tricks to evolve.” Mind control by parasite sounds like the stuff of science fiction, but not only have scientists revealed that it is real across a range of animals — including perhaps humans — they now even have fossil evidence suggesting it has taken place for millions of years. An unnerving variety of parasites have evolved the ability to control the brains of victims to help the parasites spread. For instance, the protozoan known as Toxoplasma gondii makes rats love cat urine so that it can spread among its feline hosts — and it may influence human culture as well, making people more prone to certain forms of neuroticism. Another case of parasite mind control involves the fungus Ophiocordyceps unilateralis, which essentially turns ants into zombies. It maneuvers the insects into biting down on the major veins of the undersides of leaves just before they die — the fungus then rapidly grows a stalk from their victims' heads, releasing spores to infect more ants. Now scientists have discovered what might be ancient evidence of such mind-control-induced death grips — scars on a roughly 48-million-year-old leaf.” http://www.livescience.com/animals/mind-controlling-parasites-fossil-leaf-100817… added by: DeliaTheArtist

New Superbacteria, Immune To Most Antibiotics, Found Spreading Fast

“A new mutation that makes bacteria resistant to pretty much every antibiotic known to man has become increasingly prevalent on the Indian subcontinent and has made the leap to both the UK and the United States, according to a new report in the Lancet. Because there's nothing modern medical science can do to stop it, the NDM-1 “superbug” may spread globally. NDM-1 (or New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase) is a gene mutation that arms many common and harmful bacteria like E. coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae with a resistance that can even withstand carbapenems, the antibiotics used as a last resort when more common drugs have no effect. What's worse, the gene has been found on plasmids — particularly promiscuous bits of mobile DNA that can move easily between strains of bacteria. The details of the study tracking NDM-1's transcontinental jump (most plausibly via medical tourism, in case you were curious) are described in this article by Tim Walsh in the Lancet Infectious Diseases journal. “In many ways, this is it,” Walsh told the Guardian. “This is potentially the end. There are no antibiotics in the pipeline that have activity against NDM 1-producing Enterobacteriaceae. It is the first time it has got to this stage with these type of bacteria.”” But now that we've sufficiently participated in the fearmongering, let's put NDM-1 in some kind of perspective. There are many highly resistant bugs out there (MRSA comes to mind), and each time a new one arrives on the bacterial scene, doomsday is declared only to later be downgraded to a threatening but not critical medical situation. A different mutation ravaged NYC hospitals a decade ago, and while officials were deeply concerned about that infectious strain the city and the larger world did not suffer a public health disaster. What is troubling is that the gene is highly mobile and there aren't really any treatments in the works to combat NDM-1 or to slow its spread. In hospital environments that's very troubling, akin to being in the trenches with plenty of rifles but no ammunition. Alternatives to antibiotics like bacteriophages might be effective in putting the brakes on NDM-1-reinforced bacteria, but in standard medical practice antibiotics are the way we treat bacterial infections and even if an experimental treatment is found to be effective it will take a good deal of time to get it approved for widespread use.” http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2010-08/new-bacterial-mutation-makes-commo… added by: DeliaTheArtist

‘Allahu Akbar!’: The Wingnut Right Has the Jihad Nugget They’ve Been Hoping For

The Associated Press is reporting that, according to Ft. Hood ‘s commander, witnesses to yesterday’s massacre say Maj. Nidal Hasan was shouting “God is great” in Arabic as he was firing on his fellow soldiers

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‘Allahu Akbar!’: The Wingnut Right Has the Jihad Nugget They’ve Been Hoping For