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One Wish: Woman Who Died From Cancer Had Her Brain Frozen Before Passing Away In Hopes To Be Brought Back To Life Once A Cure Is Found

Dying Woman Has Her Brain Frozen And Hopes To Be Re-Born Once Cancer Cure Is Found Cancer is a horrible disease that continues to claim the lives so many so suddenly, and it’s no uncommon for family members of those stricken with the fatal illness to do all they can to grant their love one last wishes once it’s determined that nothing else can be done. But the last wish of this 23-year-old has got to be a first…. via Fox News It seems like the stuff of science fiction, a dying young woman decides she wants to be frozen after her death until a cure is found for brain cancer. But for the family of Kim Suozzi, 23, it’s not fiction. “I worked real hard on reconciling it with my personal faith and trying to be okay with it, and I am okay with it,” said Jane Suozzi, Kim’s mother, who lives in Ballwin. For the final two years of her life, Kim knew she was dying of an aggressive brain cancer called Glioblastoma multiforme. But even before the diagnosis, she considered the idea of being cryopreserved someday. Kim’s decision to be frozen after death is based on the hope science will someday find a way to bring her back to life after finding a cure for cancer. Kim spent the final two weeks of her life at a hospice in Scottsdale, Arizona, so she could die in the same city as Alcor Life Extension, the cryopreservation facility she chose. She passed away peacefully on January 17. Kim was also able to raise $7,000 before she passed to contribute to the high cost of  having her remains preserved as she’d asked.  This story is crazy hell and remarkable all at once. Would you grant this wish for your close friend or family member? Photo Credit: Fox 2 Now/ Shuttesrtock

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One Wish: Woman Who Died From Cancer Had Her Brain Frozen Before Passing Away In Hopes To Be Brought Back To Life Once A Cure Is Found

Mind-Controlling Parasites Date Back Millions of Years

Don't worry, your government isn't the first one… “We are now realizing that half of life on Earth is parasitic — each free-living organism has at least one parasite,” Hughes said. “But very few manipulate behaviors and there is a reason for that — it is likely very costly. The fossil now challenges us to think of what past environments acted as selective forces for such cool tricks to evolve.” Mind control by parasite sounds like the stuff of science fiction, but not only have scientists revealed that it is real across a range of animals — including perhaps humans — they now even have fossil evidence suggesting it has taken place for millions of years. An unnerving variety of parasites have evolved the ability to control the brains of victims to help the parasites spread. For instance, the protozoan known as Toxoplasma gondii makes rats love cat urine so that it can spread among its feline hosts — and it may influence human culture as well, making people more prone to certain forms of neuroticism. Another case of parasite mind control involves the fungus Ophiocordyceps unilateralis, which essentially turns ants into zombies. It maneuvers the insects into biting down on the major veins of the undersides of leaves just before they die — the fungus then rapidly grows a stalk from their victims' heads, releasing spores to infect more ants. Now scientists have discovered what might be ancient evidence of such mind-control-induced death grips — scars on a roughly 48-million-year-old leaf.” http://www.livescience.com/animals/mind-controlling-parasites-fossil-leaf-100817… added by: DeliaTheArtist

Tenley Molzahn: Bachelor Sweetheart or Prude, Manipulative B!tch?

Is Tenley Molzahn the sweet, genuine cutie she appears to be on The Bachelor? Not according to her ex-husband’s mistress, to whom he is now engaged! One of Bachelor Jake Pavelka’s frontrunners all season and one of his final three heading down the stretch, Tenley is a fan favorite … but for how long? Tenley Molzahn has won much sympathy from Jake and fans by noting that her previous marriage ended after her ex, Ryan Natividad, cheated on her. But the “alleged” other woman who came between their marriage, which lasted just 15 months, says Tenley isn’t “the sweet girl everyone thinks.” She’s also a manipulative … and a prude. Tenley Molzahn certainly plays the part of the girl-next-door sweetheart who got her heart broken … does Jake Pavelka know what he’s getting into? “She’d only allow sex once a week… and sometimes withheld that,” says Christina Latham, who is now engaged to Natividad, and denies he ever cheated on Tenley. Latham also says The Bachelor hopeful “wouldn’t let him see his family.” Sounds like the stuff of a controlling b!tch … but is it true? A Tenley pal says that “She loved Ryan deeply. If there was any bad treatment, it was instigated by him.” But Latham insists, “There is no way she loved him.” What do you think? Is Tenley the girl she presents herself to be or a brat who emasculates men Kate Gosselin style? And who should Jake pick?

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Tenley Molzahn: Bachelor Sweetheart or Prude, Manipulative B!tch?

Nasa prepares moon smashing satellite

As Britain tucks into its lunch on Friday, hundreds of scientists, engineers and astronomers on the other side of the planet will be nervously watching the skies. Across California and Hawaii, hundreds of eyes will be trained on the moon, watching for the moment when a hi-tech orbiter – weighing more than 2 tonnes and travelling at 5,600mph – plunges headlong into the lunar surface. The collision will throw a massive cloud of dust and debris up into space before, just a few minutes later, another, smaller, spacecraft follows suit and plummets to its doom.

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Nasa prepares moon smashing satellite