Tag Archives: tenley-molzahn

Kiptyn Locke and Tenley Molzahn dating

Kiptyn Locke and Tenley Molzahn Although Molzahn admits to having “a major crush” all along, they weren’t a couple when the show started and sparks only flew when they went on a solo date to Catalina. “He was hesitant to start something in the house,” says Molzahn, 26. Locke, 32, adds, “I wasn’t interested in something created [on a show] or phony. We talked about pursuing it after. But when you get in a situation like Catalina and everything is perfect and romantic, you just go for it.” Though

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Kiptyn Locke and Tenley Molzahn dating

Bachelor Pad Cast Boots Crazy Michelle; Lunatic Blames Tenley Molzahn

Remember Michelle, the borderline unstable girl who vied for Jake Pavelka’s heart on The Bachelor? No? Well, her stint on Bachelor Pad was even shorter. Early in last night’s season premiere, Michelle clashed with Tenley Molzahn , the runner-up that same season, along with other female residents of the Pad . According to Crazy Michelle, Tenley started a rumor that she slept with Craig “Dangerous” McKinnon the first night in their palatial digs. Bunk bed style. Drama ensued when Michelle locked Tenley in a bathroom and confronted her about this. Tenley understandably felt threatened and broke down crying. On Bachelor Pad , the male castoffs from The Bachelorette vote to evict a girl, and the female rejects from The Bachelor vote to evict a guy each week. Predictably, the men were more or less unified in their decision to vote off the girl most likely to fashion a crude shank and stab someone in the house. “I am still shaken, but I feel relieved now that Michelle is gone,” said Tenley Molzahn in the wake of her two-time rival’s departure. Michelle blamed her exclusively. “I don’t deserve to be treated this way at all,” insane Michelle lamented. “It’s upsetting because Tenley started a rumor that I did something with Craig and that made me upset. Because of that rumor, it ruined my chances [on the show].” The guy sent home was Juan Barbieri, whose fate was sealed before the show even started because of his hookup with another contestant, Nikki, in the past. It didn’t end well between them. “It will be less stressful now that Juan is gone,” Nikki said, having apparently rallied enough of her fellow female contestants’ votes to vote Juan the hell out. Juan, who was in a similar boat as Jesse Kovacs, who’s hooked up with Elizabeth Kitt, said he was “shocked and disappointed” that he was ousted so fast. Ten girls and seven guys remain in the hunt for a $250,000 prize and another 14 minutes of D-list celebrity status. Join us next week on Bachelor Pad!

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Bachelor Pad Cast Boots Crazy Michelle; Lunatic Blames Tenley Molzahn

Dancing with the Stars Profile: Jake Pavelka

Jake Pavelka burst onto The Hollywood Gossip scene via The Bachelorette . Then starred on The Bachelor , then immediately joined the cast of Dancing with the Stars . Three reality shows in less than a year. Pretty impressive for a guy who claims to be a commercial pilot. In any case, Jake’s pursuit of D-list stardom will not cease! He shocked 15 million fans when Vienna Girardi won him over. Can Jake now shock the world and win Dancing glory? Here’s a brief rundown on the DWTS hopeful … Age : 32 Height : 5’10” Hails from : Dallas, Texas Alleged real world job : Pilot Professional partner : Chelsie Hightower Controversial moves : Letting Ali go, ratting out Wes Likes : Airheads Dislikes : Shirts Pros : Enthusiastic, upbeat guy Cons: Kind of an uptight stiff Percentage of more than 30,000 THG poll respondents who would have preferred he pick Tenley Molzahn on The Bachelor season finale : 84 Percentage of more than 25,000 THG poll respondents who think that Jake and his Bachelor finacee, Vienna Girardi, will actually last : 19 Odds of winning: 75-1

The Hollywood Gossip Week in Review: February 27-March 5, 2010

Welcome to The Hollywood Gossip ‘s Week in Review, where we take a look back at the past week in celebrity gossip, entertainment news and rumors. What was your favorite story of the week? Anything in particular stand out or get you fired up? Some highlights from February 27-March 5 include … Crystal Bowersox looks poised for a run on American Idol , as do Aaron Kelly and Michael Lynche. The week’s eliminations were mostly on point. Jake Pavelka chose Vienna Girardi on The Bachelor finale. They are engaged. Tenley Molzahn? crushed. Ali Fedotowsky? The Bachelorette . Oh, and Jake was somehow named to the Dancing with the Stars cast right afterward. Then accused of cheating on Vienna with Tanya Douglas . Kate Gosselin will also be on DWTS this season. Jon Gosselin made news this week too, after Hailey Glassman posted this picture on Twitter. The Bachelor. Dancing with the Stars. West Hollywood. Jake is everywhere. Elin Woods is moving back in with Tiger. Admirable or pathetic? Adam Lambert revelations of the week, drug use, bi-curiosity . Naomi Campbell needs to chill with the phone attacks . Same goes for the Jackson kids and stun guns . Yeesh. Erica Mongeon (a.k.a. one of the Ikki Twins) is in a coma . Ke$ha called out Britney for lip-synching. She makes a point. Ben Roethlisberger is accused (but not charged yet) with sexual assault in Georgia. The story is still developing, It’s the second such Ben story. Roseanne Barr is apparently still around, and making headlines for comments about Marie Osmand’s deceased son. Like, WTF kind of comments. Close second on the WTF scale, but with a far more lucid reason behind his remarks: Sean Penn saying he hopes his critics get rectal cancer. Wow. Need a good sound bite? Try Roseanne Barr or Sean Penn. Baby news: Christina Milian & The-Dream (girl), Keyshia Cole & Daniel Gibson (boy), Eric Dane & Rebecca Gayheart (girl), Joey Lawrence & wife (girl #2). Wedding bells: Jason Mesnick and Molly Malaney from The Bachelor married in a monsoon. So did Jared Padalecki and Genevieve Cortese. Well, no monsoon. R.I.P.: Michael Blosil , son of Marie Osmond. Don’t forget to follow The Hollywood Gossip on Twitter for all the latest news, celebrity gossip, rumors, commentary and humor as it happens, 24/7/365.

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The Hollywood Gossip Week in Review: February 27-March 5, 2010

Tenley Molzahn: Happy For Vienna Girardi, She Swears!

Millions tuned in to see Jake Pavelka propose to Vienna Girardi on Monday’s season finale of The Bachelor. Most of those millions were pulling for Tenley Molzahn. In the hours that followed Jake’s decision, fans flocked to the Internet, outraged. But Tenley, a 25-year-old college admissions administrator, isn’t bitter herself. That’s just not who Tenley Molzahn is. “I’m feeling good,” she says. “I have a lot of peace with Jake’s decision.” Molzahn talked with People yesterday about The Bachelor. Excerpts appear below … On her final rejection by Jake : “It was a very startling moment for me. I wasn’t ready to say goodbye because that relationship, that friendship was over.” On Vienna Girardi : “I actually didn’t ever get to know Vienna. In the mansion we stayed on different sides of the house. If Jake found something in her that he is so in love with, then I’m happy for them. If they love each other, well, good for them.” What could’ve been: Bachelor finalist Tenley Molzahn and Jake Pavelka . On her fan favorite status: “Some people might be disappointed, but I hope they get over it knowing I’ve been walking around so happy and beaming. That experience was just what I needed, and to fall in love with Jake is just what I needed.” On people’s reactions since the finale: “It gets really emotional, actually. People come up to me at the store or Starbucks or where I work on a college campus and just hug me. I’ve had women cry, and tell me my story has resonated with them.” On her dating status: “I have not been dating since I got home.” On having no Bachelor regrets: “I will always appreciate this experience with Jake because he helped me feel confident, helped me dream again, helped me find what I need to keep alive when I meet that man I’m supposed to be with.” We hope you do find him soon, girl. We hope you find him soon. Will Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi last?

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Tenley Molzahn: Happy For Vienna Girardi, She Swears!

Tenley Molzahn on Bachelor Rejection: It’s All Good!

The Bachelor finalist Tenley Molzahn couldn’t hold back the tears when Jake Pavelka dumped her for Vienna Girardi on Monday night’s powerful season finale. But looking back, she says she’s better off, and she’s right. In an interview airing Thursday on The Bonnie Hunt Show , Tenley Molzahn says despite the heartbreak, she is “feeling good and ready to see what’s next.” On the finale, Jake Pavelka claimed he was in love with both Molzahn and Vienna Girardi. He said he proposed to Vienna because he felt more of a spark. “I think it is actually a better thing that I am here today in this position,” Tenley says, even as Jake has Vienna in all sorts of different positions right now. DUMPED : Jake Pavelka sends Tenley Molzahn home . “If he was in love with both of us, really in love with us, if he was saying ‘I do love you’ to me the same day he told Vienna, ‘I love you, will you marry me’ … then I think I am in a good position because I don’t want to be someone’s second.” On Ryan Seacrest’s KIIS-FM radio show, host Chris Harrison said he doesn’t understand why so many viewers are opposed to Pavelka choosing Girardi. “Who are we to say that they don’t deserve each other and aren’t happy?” he said. “If this was put up to popular vote, Vienna would not be the girl.” “Jake did what was best for him … I am proud and appreciative of that. He fought like hell for Vienna. Maybe that shows how in love he is with her.” If nothing else, Jake has made a pimp daddy proud, and that is a wonderful thing. Click here for a photo gallery of true love between Jake and Vienna. Will Jake and Vienna last?

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Tenley Molzahn on Bachelor Rejection: It’s All Good!

Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi: True Love in Pictures

Last night on The Bachelor, Jake Pavelka chose Vienna Girardi to be his wife. Or at least fiancee for the next 6-8 weeks ’til the “lightning hot” chemistry wears off. We’re just kidding. Mostly. While his pick shocked and appalled many viewers, Jake is clearly on cloud nine. We wish them the best and hope they beat the odds. As far as this “Maverick” Bachelor is concerned, Vienna’s haters can kiss off. While they cried tears of sadness last night, Jake and Vienna only shed tears of joy. Here’s a picture of the magical moment … Jake asks Vienna Girardi to be the future Mrs. Pavelka . Click to enlarge lots more photos from the 2010 Bachelor finale, mostly featuring the newly-engaged couple, but also with some shots of the sad runner-up, Tenley Molzahn . We hope she’s able to get past this heartbreak. Surely looking at this photo gallery of Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi won’t help. Avert your eyes, Tenley and Tenley fans …

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Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi: True Love in Pictures

Jake Pavelka and Ali Fedotowsky: Reuniting on (or After) The Bachelor?

Fans hoping for a fairy-tale ending to The Bachelor may get exactly what they want … well, no they won’t, unless your idea of a fairy tale is Vienna Girardi winning. Or so we’ve heard. But OK! Weekly is spinning quite a yard in its new issue about “what’s next” for Jake Pavelka and Ali Fedotowsky, who “put their love on hold.” OMG it is meant to be. You can’t stand in the way of this love, Tenley Molzahn . Take a hike, Vienna. Neither can match Jake and Ali’s unbridled passion … right? Wrong. But OK! really wants you to believe this. The star-crossed pair melted into each other’s arms in a reunion behind the scenes at the taping of ABC’s The Bachelor: Women Tell All , the magazine suggests. SECRET REUNION : Is one in the cards for Jake and Ali? We don’t buy it. It was every bit as romantic as their fans wished it would be, too … it almost makes one forget how Ali Fedotowsky left the show to become the next Bachelorette . “They both held each other as long as they could and had their arms wrapped around one another,” a witness says. OMG, we are getting hot just thinking about it. There is no doubt Jake was into Ali – she was his frontrunner, he says – but are they in love now ? OK! claims they are, and claims to know things about … The secret reunion (unlikely) Their hotel hookup (more unlikely) Ali’s past (more dead relatives’ houses?) Jake’s current feelings for her (likely G-rated) Jake’s plan to win Ali Fedotowsky back (arrive out of nowhere in pilot’s uniform a few episodes into the next season of The Bachelorette ) We wouldn’t hold your breath for any of this, no matter how MFEO you think Jake and Ali are. If you believe these rumors, you need serious help, BTW.

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Jake Pavelka and Ali Fedotowsky: Reuniting on (or After) The Bachelor?

The Bachelor Recap: Women Tell All, Trash Rozlyn

The traditional pre-season finale “Women Tell All” reunion special of The Bachelor is always mostly filler – and a total misnomer, as they really tell surprisingly little. Still, there were fireworks as Rozlyn Papa returned to confront Chris Harrison and the stage was set for next week’s epic Tenley Molzahn- Vienna Girardi showdown. As always, THG endured two freaking hours of the colon-tastic The Bachelor: On the Wings of Love: The Women Tell All to recap all the action in our +/- system: Jake said self-defecating when he meant self-deprecating. Plus 3 . Wes Hayden of last season’s Bachelorette is back for some reason. He says he’s getting “a thousand more nibbles” on his dating pole these days. Gross. Minus 4 . Crazy ass Michelle tried to explain her crazy ass behavior, but just came across as even more unstable. Her best defense: “Ask my friends. I have a job!” Plus 9 . Chris Harrison didn’t let up on Rozlyn Papa, but she held her own. Rozlyn Papa was confronted by fellow Bachelor hopefuls about her relationship with producer Ryan Callahan, which got them both fired from the show. According to Ella, Rozlyn got on all fours, in wearing booty shorts and said to the women, “If you see [Ryan], send him in … I need to be put to bed!” Plus 60 . The venerable host and pimp of The Bachelor , Chris Harrison, then took his turn with Rozlyn, accusing her of making stories up like his young son does. Minus 16 . She wouldn’t back down though. When he said he was saddened by having to fire a friend, Rozlyn countered that Chris is some friend, having hit on Callahan’s wife in New Zealand. Chris refused to “dignity that with a response.” Awkward! Plus 35 . Shirtless Jake Pavelka has a tough decision to make next week. The girls all praise Ms. Perfect, Tenley Molzahn . Jessie: “She almost fell out of a Disney movie.” Gia: “She sh*ts rainbows.” Minus 74 for them feeding us this crap just so we’re devastated when Tenley loses next week. Brace for the pain. Despite hating on her all season, the girls go easy on Vienna Girardi. Even Ali Fedotowsky apologized. Weak. Minus 36. We want catty comments and chairs thrown. The next Bachelorette is going to be Ali Fedotowsky . In her interview, she said: “I believe life is measured by the risks we take … If I could go back and do it differently, I probably would. I’m an advocate of women having careers, but I don’t want to look back and say I didn’t love enough.” Nice work, story editors! Plus 20 . TOTAL: -3. SEASON: +9. Who should Jake Pavelka give his final rose to next week?

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The Bachelor Recap: Women Tell All, Trash Rozlyn

Bachelor Truce: Ali Fedotowsky Calls Off Vienna Girardi Feud

Ali Fedotowsky hated Vienna Girardi so hard on The Bachelor. Heck, her biggest complaint about star Jake Pavelka was that he didn’t get rid of Vienna. But Ali, whose real world job was so demanding that she had to leave the show, but who’s been doing interviews 24/7 since, says she’s over that now. “When I was in the house, did I think Jake and Vienna could have a long-term relationship? No, I didn’t think that at all,” Ali Fedotowsky recalled to ET . “I was confused about him picking me and her. But now that I’ve had a chance to see them interact, I think they could have a lasting relationship.” Despite their clashes on the show, Ali says she has no hard feelings about Vienna Girardi : “I do think she is a decent person.” Wow! That’s progress! Ali Fedotowsky took herself out of the running on The Bachelor. Where does she stand on his final two women now that she’s buried the hatchet with Vienna Girardi? Of Tenley Molzahn, Ali says she is “innocent, sweet, nice and much more conservative. Vienna, by contrast, is “liberal, outgoing, likes to have fun and be silly.” As for whether Ali regrets leaving to be the next Bachelorette for work – especially after Jake confessed that she was the frontrunner before voluntarily bailing? “When I saw Jake at the Women Tell All , I felt a lot of regret ,” she says. “It was sad. Sometimes when I am sitting at my desk at work, I think I made the right choice. What I can say is that if I have to choose between love and work again, I might chose love. I have to start focusing on that more.” Your tagline for her season of The Bachelorette , ladies and gents. Who should Jake pick on The Bachelor season finale?

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Bachelor Truce: Ali Fedotowsky Calls Off Vienna Girardi Feud