Tag Archives: pavelka-picture

Ke$ha to John Mayer: Where’s Your Dick At?

Give John Mayer credit: he’s no longer insulting homosexuals and African-Americans . Now, take that credit away: the douchebag is still talking and Tweeting like a moron. In his latest attempt to be hip, Mayer left a couple Twitter message for Ke$ha. Referencing her smash single “Tik Tok,” he wrote over the weekend: Dear Ke$ha, you won me over with your tricks and charms and I must tell you I really like your song. Though I must add I tried brushing my teeth with a bottle of Jack and I chipped a tooth on the glass. Where might I remit an invoice? We’ll give you a few moments to stop laughing at this positively hilarious joke… Because Mayer really needs to alienate even more people, he then addressed supposed posers that pretend to hate on Ke$ha: Stop telling your friends you detest the ke$ha song and then dancing to it at home. How about some accountability, people? In response to this talk, Adam Lambert’s recent tonsil hockey partner appeared to call John out. Or something. She Tweeted: dear john mayerrr. Don’t be a little b*tch wit ur chit chat. $how me whur ur dick’s at. That’s unclear. But we do know where Mayer’s foot is at: squarely in his mouth, as always.

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Ke$ha to John Mayer: Where’s Your Dick At?

Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi: True Love in Pictures

Last night on The Bachelor, Jake Pavelka chose Vienna Girardi to be his wife. Or at least fiancee for the next 6-8 weeks ’til the “lightning hot” chemistry wears off. We’re just kidding. Mostly. While his pick shocked and appalled many viewers, Jake is clearly on cloud nine. We wish them the best and hope they beat the odds. As far as this “Maverick” Bachelor is concerned, Vienna’s haters can kiss off. While they cried tears of sadness last night, Jake and Vienna only shed tears of joy. Here’s a picture of the magical moment … Jake asks Vienna Girardi to be the future Mrs. Pavelka . Click to enlarge lots more photos from the 2010 Bachelor finale, mostly featuring the newly-engaged couple, but also with some shots of the sad runner-up, Tenley Molzahn . We hope she’s able to get past this heartbreak. Surely looking at this photo gallery of Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi won’t help. Avert your eyes, Tenley and Tenley fans …

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Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi: True Love in Pictures