Tag Archives: the-scientists

Family of Four Grows Their Food in a Swimming Pool

Images: Youtube screen grabs Food Doesn’t Get More Local Than That A family living in Mesa, Arizona, has decided to convert an old unused backyard swimming pool into a very productive DIY urban greenhouse, which they named Garden Pool. Within a small, mostly enclosed space, they grow all kinds of vegetables and herbs, as well as raise chickens and tilapia fish. They started this project in 2009 and expected to be “self-sufficient” by 2012, but they’ve reached that goal this year, getting “8 fresh eggs a day, unlimited tilapia fish, organic fruit, veggies, and herbs 365 days a year” (though I’m not sure if by self-s… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Family of Four Grows Their Food in a Swimming Pool

Hawaiian Coral Saved by Freezing Sperm

Image via University of Hawaii at Manoa, Credit: Virginia Carter As corals face a daily bashing through warm, polluted waters, the scientists at University of Hawaii at Manoa and the Smithsonian Institution are building up a bank of frozen sperm and embryos of Hawaiian coral species, just in … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Hawaiian Coral Saved by Freezing Sperm

More Frequent Extreme Heatwaves Commonplace Across the US by 2040

image: Noah Diffenbaugh/Stanford Univ. Just as one extreme snowstorm in winter not meaning the world isn’t continuing to warm, one summer heatwave doesn’t prove it. That said, the trend is definitely towards more extreme heatwaves , as new research from Stanford University confirms. Writing in the journal Geophysical Research Letters , the scientists say that exceptionally long heatwav… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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More Frequent Extreme Heatwaves Commonplace Across the US by 2040

Yes, the Climate Change ‘Hockey Stick’ Still Stands

This Graph is Right On Michael Mann was one of the scientists at the center of the so-called ‘Climate Gate’ controversy, and as the author of the famous ‘hockey stick’ graph (the one above, displaying clearly that the temperatures we’re currently experiencing are anomalous, and hotter than the last 2,000 years) is a favorite target of climate denier attacks. Well, guess what folks — finally, an Investigative Committee of faculty charged with determining the strength and quality of Mann’s research, and whether he had engaged in any wrongdoing, has passed down its long-awaited decision. And yes, Mann has been co… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Yes, the Climate Change ‘Hockey Stick’ Still Stands

97% of Scientists Still Agree: Man is Causing Climate Change

Photo via Ale1980Italy A new study has once again confirmed what we already knew — that the vast, vast majority of scientists working in the field are convinced by the evidence that there is human-induced climate change. This latest analysis is one of the largest surveys yet attempted, and examines 1,372 known working climate researchers. The result is similar to previous studies: 97-98% of the scientists agree that there is ample evidence that hu… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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97% of Scientists Still Agree: Man is Causing Climate Change

The Hadron Collider Works!

SCIENCE BUZZ : Ready your fallout shelters! No but for serious, the scientists at CERN fired together some proton beams at 99% of the speed of light, and everyone is very pleased about the New Era of Physics that is upon us. The Best Links: The Hadron Collider in action. Large Hadron Collider Finally Smashing Properly Read

Japanese scientists create elastic water

Elastic Water could eventually replace plastic, or be used in an environmentally-safe plastic. Bernama, a part of the Malaysian National News Agency, reports that Japanese scientists have created “elastic water.” Developed at the Tokyo University, the new material consists mostly of water–95-percent–with an added two grams of clay and organic material.

Japanese scientists create elastic water

Nasa prepares moon smashing satellite

As Britain tucks into its lunch on Friday, hundreds of scientists, engineers and astronomers on the other side of the planet will be nervously watching the skies. Across California and Hawaii, hundreds of eyes will be trained on the moon, watching for the moment when a hi-tech orbiter – weighing more than 2 tonnes and travelling at 5,600mph – plunges headlong into the lunar surface. The collision will throw a massive cloud of dust and debris up into space before, just a few minutes later, another, smaller, spacecraft follows suit and plummets to its doom.

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Nasa prepares moon smashing satellite