Tag Archives: required-under

Japanese scientists create elastic water

Elastic Water could eventually replace plastic, or be used in an environmentally-safe plastic. Bernama, a part of the Malaysian National News Agency, reports that Japanese scientists have created “elastic water.” Developed at the Tokyo University, the new material consists mostly of water–95-percent–with an added two grams of clay and organic material.

Japanese scientists create elastic water

Ford reports first profit in four years

Ford said today it earned a profit of $2.7 billion, a stunning improvement over its historic, $14.7-billion loss in 2008, especially for a year that saw industry sales drop to their lowest level since 1982. It also marks the company's first full-year profit since 2005. Ford, which has been criticized by the UAW for reinstating merit pay and other benefits for its salaried work force, also said today that it will pay profit sharing to 43,000 eligible U.S.

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Ford reports first profit in four years