Levi Johnston is trying to make headway in the fields of TV and posing nude. It’s nice to see that his baby mama, Bristol Palin, has decided to follow suit. Well, at least the TV part. The daughter of Sarah Palin is coming to ABC Family as the real-life teen mom will make a cameo as herself on The Secret Life of the American Teenager . Bristol Palin will appear as one of Amy’s friends at a music program for young parents. Sarah will certainly be so proud at her girl getting more publicity. Bristol Palin during her brief, fake engagement to Levi Johnston . The casting announcement comes juts a week after Sarah and Bristol both made headlines by lashing out at Family Guy and its creator Seth MacFarlane. Its depiction of a student with Down Syndrome riled up the Palins, even if the voice actress, who has Down Syndrome herself, says they should lighten up . Is Sarah Palin being hypocritical by placing her daughter on a TV show, given that like MacFarlane, The Secret Life is just using the Palin name for ratings? Just asking .
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Bristol Palin to Guest Star on The Secret Life of the American Teenager