Tag Archives: utilize-during

ALL You NeeD To KNoW aBouT AOL/HuFFPo…


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Given AOL’s jaded history… I think the first thing they should do, pronto, is get rid of that stupid name and logo… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : zero hedge Discovery Date : 08/02/2011 21:04 Number of articles : 3

ALL You NeeD To KNoW aBouT AOL/HuFFPo…

The Many Faces of Kristen Stewart


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Kristen Stewart recently shot a spread for Vogue with famed photographer Mario Testino and this behind the scenes video gives us an idea of what it’s like to work with the moody actress. Here’s a complete list of emotions we see Kristen utilize during this 39-second clip: 1) Disgust 2) Boredom 3) Detachment 4) Anger Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Evil Beet Discovery Date : 08/02/2011 22:00 Number of articles : 2

The Many Faces of Kristen Stewart