Tag Archives: value-models

Elle Macpherson in a Bikini of the Day

Elle Macpherson is 100 years old..and still looks amazing… She was one of the original models I jerked off to in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit back in 1988….an era when Australia was hot, Crocodile Dundee was the shit and, people were into Kangaroos and Elle Macpherson was the hottest thing Australia had to offer… I guess she’s still doing it…because along with marrying really rich dudes, she’s still a fucking model at her core, and she represents something that will never exist again. A model, who is famous for being a model, without all the instagram bullshit that people use to value models today…fascinating.. The post Elle Macpherson in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Elle Macpherson in a Bikini of the Day