Tag Archives: various-corners

10 Favorite Stories of 2010: Dixon’s Picks

As 2010 shambles to its snowy end, many of us will take stock in our actions over the past year. What we achieved, what we failed to do and how we might take those lessons to build a brighter new year. Or, in my case, how I can hopefully write an article next year about Jake Gyllenhaal’s penis being cast in a role traditionally held by an Asian penis, and how the resultant movie made me cry no less than 5 times. Here in no particular order are my favorite ten stories from 2010. Enjoy!

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10 Favorite Stories of 2010: Dixon’s Picks

25 Things to Do While Waiting Out the Blizzard of 2010 Aftermath

You don’t necessarily have to be an East Coaster to suffer the repercussions of yesterday’s great Holiday Blizzard of 2010. Much of your Movieline staff is scattered and/or stranded in various corners of the United States — in the slowest news week in human history to boot — which has us in full-on resourceful mode. Here are a few things that might help us all get through the wait to get home (and/or leave the house); let’s hear yours in the comments.

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25 Things to Do While Waiting Out the Blizzard of 2010 Aftermath