Shia LaBeouf has been placed under arrest. The eccentric actor was taken into custody around 12:30 a.m. on Thursday after he allegedly attacked a man, according to the New York Police Department. The incident took place during the actor’s ongoing livestream of his anti-Donald Trump protest in The Big Apple. Per Us Weekly, Detective Pisano says that LaBeouf was booked early this morning after a scuffle outside the front of the Museum of the Moving Image in Queens. “His victim was a 25-year-old male,” the police officer explains, adding: “For whatever reason, Shia grabbed his scarf that was tied around his neck and head, and pulled him to the ground. The man was left with scratches on his face and red marks around his neck.” A spokesman for the police department says this was not an issue of LaBeouf clashing with a Donald Trump supporter. The NYPD’s public information officer notes that the actor simply “took umbrage” with something his alleged victim did or said. It’s unclear what prompted the reported attack, but the man on the receiving end did not seek medical attention. “He was charged with misdemeanor assault,” Pisano told Us Weekly. “He has been released but will have to appear in court at a later date.” This is the second confrontation that has taken place during LaBeouf’s “He Will Not Divide Us” individual rally. Earlier this week, video of the actor getting into it with a white supremacist went viral. In the following piece of footage, you can see LaBeouf gets into the face of someone who appears to be a major Adolf Hitler fan: Shia Labeouf GOES OFF on White Supremacist The actor’s performance protest livestream was set up on Monday. It invites people to stand in front of the camera and repeat the phrase “he will not divide us.” LaBeouf’s plan is to have it up and running 24 hours a day for at least the next four years. In response to this protest, Jon Voight came out on Tuesday and slammed LaBeouf as a traitor . The veteran star said that Shia is setting a terrible, anti-American example for his young fans. This is ridiculous, of course, because peaceful protests are the bedrock of democracy. And also because LaBeouf doesn’t really have any fans. LaBeouf has engaged in a number of unusual actions in the past, often filming himself while doing so. He was arrested in 2015 for public intoxication . In this case, the livestreaming of his protest does seem a bit self-serving. But it’s hard to blame anyone for how he or she reacts to Donald Trump as President. There’s no precedent for anything like this. And it’s scary as Hell. View Slideshow: Women’s March: See How The Celebs Got Involved!
Shia LaBeouf Arrested For Assault at Anti-Trump Protest