Tag Archives: various-forums

People Like Rachel McCord in her Bathing Suit Bottoms of the Day

Did you know that we have a FORUM on the site HERE It is our very own community, that over the years has had thousands and thousands of contributors…. Sure, forums are a dated concept, but those of us who grew up on forums, like the simplicity of the conversation of the forum…the trolling of the forums…the ability to be anonymous and an asshole in forums…. Some of my best early internet time was spent on various forums, it is really where I found my internet voice… This was long before social media existed, in ways it was early social media, and it was always more collaborative than narcissistic…It wasn’t Look at pics of me and comment and like it..It was more sharing things, chatting about things…exposing and making fun of people like the asshole you are….I am a huge fan of forums… This isn’t a Forum endorsement, it’s just to say that this post on Rachel McCord’s ass is the one getting a ton of views, which begs the question, who the fuck is Rachel McCord. I mean we know she’s Annalynn McCord’s sister, who moved to LA with Annalynn McCord, but who never got on TV like Annalynn McCord…but who has been shot by paparazzi, and has established a following and audience…which is fucking weird since Annalynn McCord is virtually forgotten…and she was the barely famous one… But since you all like it, whatever IT is…here it is. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLCIK HERE

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People Like Rachel McCord in her Bathing Suit Bottoms of the Day