Tag Archives: vent-as-quickly

BREAKING: Eddie Murphy Drops Out As Academy Award Host

There goes the Tower Heist contingent of this year’s Oscars. Less than a day after Brett Ratner resigned as producer of the 84th Academy Awards telecast following a series of controversial remarks made while promoting Tower Heist , his star Eddie Murphy has forfeited his spot as this year’s host.

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BREAKING: Eddie Murphy Drops Out As Academy Award Host

Aaaand Now Brett Ratner Wants to Ruin The Last American Virgin

A brief tangentially related rant in the middle of RatnerGate : I usually give remakes a relatively fair shake before they prove their worth (or lack thereof), but Brett Ratner’s potential redo of the underrated ’80s teen sex comedy The Last American Virgin , I cannot abide. News of Ratner’s intentions slipped by in his recent Howard Stern appearance, understandably, but he had this to say: “I think I jerked off to [ LAV star Diane Franklin] at least two hundred times.” Please, universe, don’t let this guy ruin the most surprisingly sensitive teen comedy of the ’80s. #RatnerFreeRemakes, anyone? [Howard Stern via Cinema Blend ]

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Aaaand Now Brett Ratner Wants to Ruin The Last American Virgin

Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s 10 Best Pop Song Covers

Joseph Gordon-Levitt is a conundrum: He’s an immensely likable actor, though he’s also very self-serious. He’s hammy, yet pretentious. He’s always rousing crowds with spirited acoustic covers, yet he’s always pimping that website of his. Bottom line: He’s an interesting mix, and because he gave an amazing performance in Mysterious Skin , I grant him extra leeway — and a tribute to his best moments as a viral singing sensation! Yesterday we watched him strum the bejesus out of R. Kelly’s “Ignition (Remix)” and today let’s tally up all his fun covers, sort out our favorites, and declare one favorite.

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Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s 10 Best Pop Song Covers

Talkback: Who Should Replace Eddie Murphy as Host of the Academy Awards?

In case you haven’t heard, the Oscars have entered a state of crisis — or a state of freedom, if you prefer. Now that Eddie Murphy is out as host of this year’s Academy Awards, let’s vent as quickly as we can and think of the single best option for a replacement emcee.

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Talkback: Who Should Replace Eddie Murphy as Host of the Academy Awards?