Tag Archives: verbal-attacks

Denise Richards Increases Security, In Fear of Charlie Sheen

When Charlie Sheen is spewing nonsense about warlocks and winning, it’s easy to laugh along with the unemployed actor. But then it’s also important to remember: He’s been accused of, and arrested for, multiple assaults against women. This is a shady individual whose issues go far beyond whatever he puts in his own body and whatever words he uses against Chuck Lorre. Denise Richards is constantly aware of this fact, however, which is why sources say the actress has increased security around her and her daughters. She’s taken such a step in light of Sheen’s recent, hate-filled Tweet that labeled her a “traitor” and a “dog killer.” “Denise and her girls live a simple life,” an insider tells Pop Eater . “She wants Sam and Lola to have normal lives, but after the recent threats and verbal attacks, she has increased her security. When you are dealing with a mad man, it’s better to be safe than sorry.” While the public is first getting a look at the dangerous side of Sheen, it’s one with which Richards has been unfortunately aware for years. Says the source: “If Charlie is willing to put those evil tweets out in public, you can only imagine what he has called Denise in private… Denise is no longer angry – she’s scared.” Does anyone blame her?

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Denise Richards Increases Security, In Fear of Charlie Sheen

Shocking Video Of Leftist Racism Aimed At Black Gay Conservative


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Wow. Just wow. What do you get when SEIU aggressive progressives are confronted with the antithesis of their world view, a black gay conservative American? Their racist heads implode, of course! In the video below, SEIU thugs hurl vile personal verbal attacks at a free and independent thinking black homosexual conservative American. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Founding Bloggers Discovery Date : 23/02/2011 17:17 Number of articles : 3

Shocking Video Of Leftist Racism Aimed At Black Gay Conservative