Tag Archives: video-or-porn

Berit Birkeland Titties and Burgers of the Day

I like seeing hot model bitches you’ve never heard of because they aren’t quite famous yet, but they are trying to get there and all it takes is a good music video or porn tape or seires of titty pics to get there – because that’s how the world works – get naked for followers – but never admit you’re doing it for that purpose – pretend it is empowering. GOOD FOR BUSINESS…. I also like when those model bitches you’ve never heard of are eating burgers and fries because I know it’s their one meal of the week, or maybe it isn’t even a mean and she went and puked it up, or maybe she eats like this daily but won’t be fat due to genetics, since she’s named BERIT…we can assume she’s first generation American from Minnesota.. But I really like…when their tits are out…like Berit’s tits…that are out…and have been out before – but never too many tits is what my granny always told me and my granny was always right… Edgy. The post Berit Birkeland Titties and Burgers of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Berit Birkeland Titties and Burgers of the Day