Tag Archives: video-worked

LA Family’s Grave Yard Protest, a Dedication to Everything Lost to the Oil Spill

River Shay walks his dog in the front yard of his Grand Isle, Louisiana house planted with crosses with the names some of the marine life, seafood dishes and recreational activities that are being lost due oil leaking from the Deepwater Horizon wellhead in the Gulf of Mexico June 7, 2010. The BP leased Deepwater Horizon oil platform exploded April 20 and sank after burning, leaking record amounts of crude oil from the broken pipeline into the sea. Eleven workers are missing, presumed dead. Photo

Make Homosexuals Marry – Video

“Meet Devin & Glenn–two gents who met, fell in love, got married, and then had to deal with the consequences of that decision. From obnoxious in-laws (Tom Arnold) to passive aggressive fights over dinner, Devin & Glenn have the same problems that most married couples deal with–and that's the point. The folks behind this video wanted to show that marriage is marriage regardless of the sexuality of its inhabitants. Their campaign, “Make Homosexuals Marry,” was created to “keep the 'No on 8' debate active in hopes that, through humor, a dialogue continues,” said writers/directors Will Speck and Josh Gordon. The small group behind this video worked entirely for free–everyone from actors to craft service donated their efforts.” — The Huffington Post Is this effective? What do you think? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vx_MpRP39as added by: randallr01