Tag Archives: vlada-heidrich

Vlada Heidrich Wet Naked Photoshoot of the Day

Vlada Heidrich is a very important model that you have never heard of but who gets naked and who self promotes on Instagram. I post these high class models, who may or may not be sex workers, the line between sex work and legitimate work is so blurry and I don’t have my fucking glasses on, because I think they are great. I also like that they google themselves and after a few months they figure out some weird DrunkenStepfather has done a post on them and they email me asking me to take shit down, or to stop calling them sex workers, because I am a guilty until proven innocent kind of guy, and I guess so is the rest of the world….you call out a rich guy for being a pervert and he gets blacklisted…his career ends…without any actual trial….I call girls who get naked sex workers until proven otherwise…it is only fair…and I am all about what is fair…that is why I should be your next Superior Court Judge….I’ve never touched a woman inappropriately who would remember my name. Lol. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Vlada Heidrich Wet Naked Photoshoot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Vlada Heidrich Wet Naked Photoshoot of the Day