(Video Link) After creating more than 90 tracks, vocal performer Nick McKaig was able to duplicate the Star Wars main title theme. He merged the tracks, but insists that the sound is “100% vocals and 100% my own voice.” -via American Digest Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Neatorama Discovery Date : 04/05/2012 07:20 Number of articles : 2
Here’s American Idol auditioner Reed Grimm with the greatest song selection in Idol Audition history: a scatty, vocal version of the Family Matters Theme Song. If you’re expecting the performance to be one of those fun, throwaway novelty auditions, then think again, cause this dude can scat with Urkelbot-like precision. I only wish he’d finished his audition with an intense “DID I DO THAT? YES.” to… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : VH1’s Today In Music Discovery Date : 20/01/2012 03:01 Number of articles : 2