Tag Archives: voters-the-kind

Mainstream media promotes ‘centrist’ Third Party propaganda

You heard it here first! The Democrats and Republicans are both finished as viable parties, so now the mainstream media is pushing a new, but phony third-party centrist paradigm. Phony ‘Centrist’ Third Party Propaganda Escalates http://www.americanfreepress.net/html/third_party_245.html On Nov. 6, both Bob Herbert and Charles M. Blow —conventional “mainstream” pundits of the classic NY Times stripe—had side-by-side columns on the NY Times’s popular op-ed page, trumpeting the proposition that both the “liberal Democrats” and the “conservative Republicans” are politically, intellectually and, for all intents and purposes, morally bankrupt. The nation is endangered, they wrote, unless there are solutions and saviors that emerge outside the conventional liberal-conservative paradigm to which Americans have become accustomed through the “two party” system that now prevails. Writing in the Times, Herbert—in his “Tone-Deaf in DC” column—stated flatly: Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans are offering voters the kind of change that they seem so desperately to want. . . .What voters want is leadership that will help them through an economic nightmare and fix a country that has been pitched into a state of sharp decline. They long for leaders with a clear and compelling vision of a better America and a road map for getting there. That leadership has long been AWOL. The hope in the tumultuous elections of 2008 was that it would come from Mr. Obama and the Democrats, but that hope, after just two years, is on life support. . . .The Democrats are in disarray because it’s a party that lacks a spine. The Republicans, conversely, fight like wild people whether they’re in the majority or not. What neither party is doing is offering a bold, coherent plan to get the nation’s economy in good shape and create jobs, to bring our young men and women home from the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, to rebuild the education system in a way that will prepare the next generation for the great challenges of the 21st century . . . . added by: maasanova