Guess The Cakes This star is known both for her questionable cakes and even more questionable talent. The owner of the cheeks in question recently got dirty dogged in the worst way so this booty is most likely being showcased as man-bait — it’s high time for a replacement boo, after all. Do you think you know this derriere? Hit the flip to find out… Instagram/Splash
“It’s a process, a real process…”— Tammy Rivera Tammy Rivera And Waka Flocka Talk Their Reconciliation After reconciling despite infidelity in their marriage, Tammy Rivera and Waka Flocka stopped by “The Breakfast Club” to discuss their rekindled relationship. As previously reported Tammy left Waka for cheating on her and he publicly begged her to come back. Now after his pleading apparently worked, Tammy and Waka told Charlamagne, Envy and Angela Yee about the status of their coupledom. Waka on cheating on Tammy: “Ain’t no thinking, it’s f****d up.” Tammy on catching Waka cheating: “The stuff he got caught with wasn’t even in the public,” said Tammy. “Those girls [on Instagram trying to expose him] are really faking. The whole Chief Keef’s baby mother is fake.” Waka on women telling Tammy to leave him: “They’re all lonely. Most of ’em got self esteem problems, so they leaning on Tammy. Nobody liked my wife before we broke up. Now it’s like a main topic like you a star now. ‘Oh my God, she’s a star.’ Now she’s a star because we broke up?! We’d been broke up months before anybody even known.” Waka on growing up: “I’m 30 years old. Finally when my wife leave me, it’s like ‘damn, you start realizing that that’s the realest in your corner.’” Waka on publicly pleading for Tammy to take him back: “It wasn’t for no public thing, she just wouldn’t answer my phone calls. I want a family, I want the real love. S*** ain’t real around me.” […] I love her.” Tammy also said that THIS is the moment she decided to answer his phone calls… “He said he’s gonna jump my fence, I had just moved into a new place and he said he was gonna jump my fence.” and her 11-year-old daughter influenced her decision to take him back: “I keep it all the way real. She said ‘mommy just forgive him’ and [I told her] as a woman there’s certain things you demand from a man in a relationship and there’s certain things you allow. If you allow somene to keep doing it they’re gonna walk all over you, I don’t want you to think that it’s okay for a man to do certain things. […] It got to a point where she was like ‘you always forgive him, just forgive him.’” Damn, looks like Tammy took back Waka for the sake of their family. Sound familiar ??? She also responded to rumors that she’s currently toting a gut full of her cheating hubby. Hit the flip to see her response.