Tag Archives: wanted-equality

A Gay in the Life: He’s my boyfriend, not my partner

I’ve called my boyfriend many things since he strolled into our first date almost six years ago. Late, first of all. He went to the wrong restaurant. But after that, dreamy. Next was friend, both with and without benefits. Lover, though usually in a funny kind of way, because that’s too cheesecake. Jerk. (I have a temper.) I’ve called him a slew of nicknames that’d make Cupid giggle (or ralph, depending on his own marital status at the moment) — and I’ve even called him my husband. Y’know, ring and legality aside. We can’t get married, but maybe soon we can join the military and defend the country which denies us this basic right — and even ”admit” that we’re gay! Go progress. But one thing I’ve never called my boyfriend —well, other than punctual — is partner. I don’t care how many gays or lesbians use the term to describe their significant other, I refuse to believe it was ”one of us” that coined it. I’m no activist, but almost the very second I accepted that I was gay, I wanted equality: even if, at the time, it meant telling my friend Jessica that I was more in love with Justin Timberlake than she was. She could declare her love, so why couldn’t I? READ MORE AT: http://blogs.creativeloafing.com/dailyloaf/2010/06/01/a-gay-in-the-life-hes-my-b… added by: Ryan_Jent