Tag Archives: warsaw

REVIEW: Film Unfinished Leaves Haunting Impression of Nazi Imagemakers, Victims

The narrator of Israeli director Yael Hersonski’s A Film Unfinished describes the “layers of meaning” locked within the images recorded by Nazi soldiers of the residents of the Warsaw Ghetto in May 1942. They are part of a compilation of raw footage that until 12 years ago were assumed to be vérité glimpses of the half-million Jews trapped within the confines of the Ghetto. It was only when a new reel of outtakes — shots of the subjects rehearsing their “spontaneous” moments over and over — was discovered that something closer to the truth about their provenance was revealed. Hersonski’s measured, devastating pursuit of that truth adds another layer of meaning to those reels, even as it methodically spools and studies each one.

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REVIEW: Film Unfinished Leaves Haunting Impression of Nazi Imagemakers, Victims

Polish President Kaczynski’s Body Returns Home

According to local media, the body of Polish President Lech Kaczynski has returned to Poland. The plane carrying the flag-draped coffin landed in Warsaw on Sunday. > > Read More Polish President Kaczynski’s Body Returns Home is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading

Roman Polanski’s Aptly-Timed Walk of Fame Star Unveiled

Talk about terrific timing. Roman Polanski—he of the 1976 sex case and current drama—has earned a star on the Walk of Fame in Warsaw, Poland

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Roman Polanski’s Aptly-Timed Walk of Fame Star Unveiled