Tag Archives: watch-the-road

Sandra Bullock: New Boyfriend Bryan Randall Has History of Arrests, DUI Conviction

Yesterday, we learned that Sandra Bullock’s new boyfriend, Bryan Randall, vandalized his neighbor’s house with dog feces during a bizarre outburst. Now, it seems that while that may have been the 49-year-old photographer’s most recent brush with the law, it certainly wasn’t his first…or even his fifth. Radar Online is reporting that Randall has been arrested several times for crimes ranging from DUI to drunkenly trashing a hotel room and skipping out before he could be charged for the repairs. “Crazy things are just now starting to come out about Bryan’s background,” says one insider. “Who knows how much of it he had kept secret from Sandra — but you would have hoped that she’d done her homework before falling in love again, especially after what happened with her ex-husband.” The source is referring, of course, to Bullock’s disastrous marriage to Jesse James , the reality star who was eventually exposed as both a serial cheater and a Nazi sympathizer. We’re also hoping that Sandy is doing her research before allowing another potential creep into her life, especially since she now has a 5-year-old son to worry about. Police records reveal that nearly a dozen warrants for Randall’s arrest were issued during the 90s, and he was taken into custody at least twice. In 1995, he fled his home state of Oregon in order to avoid court-mandated drug and alcohol treatment stemming from a DUI conviction. Hey, on the plus side, at least the former male model looks good (albeit a bit disheveled) in his mud shots.

Sandra Bullock: New Boyfriend Bryan Randall Has History of Arrests, DUI Conviction

Jeep GoPro Selfie Fail: WATCH!!

Don’t try this at home.  Or in your jeep.  Or in your car.  On your bike.  Or anywhere!!! Really, just don’t use a selfie stick—ever. Alex Lopatnyuk recently posted a video on YouTube that demonstrates what happens when you are more invested in your selfie than the road. As Alex puts his selfie stick outside of the Jeep window, he commits a pretty major fail for both himself and the guy in front of him—and a canoe. This might be a fine lesson in recognizing that using a selfie stick makes you look stupid for many, many reasons. Watch the road, buddy.

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Jeep GoPro Selfie Fail: WATCH!!