Don’t try this at home. Or in your jeep. Or in your car. On your bike. Or anywhere!!! Really, just don’t use a selfie stick—ever. Alex Lopatnyuk recently posted a video on YouTube that demonstrates what happens when you are more invested in your selfie than the road. As Alex puts his selfie stick outside of the Jeep window, he commits a pretty major fail for both himself and the guy in front of him—and a canoe. This might be a fine lesson in recognizing that using a selfie stick makes you look stupid for many, many reasons. Watch the road, buddy.
Yesterday, Kylie Jenner posed for Galore magazine and brought tons of attention to a publication that no one has ever heard of by putting a whole lot of barely-legal flesh on display in a pictorial shot by (who else?) Terry Richardson. Even more controversial than the 18-year-old’s choice of barely-there attire, however, was a photo in which Kylie seemed to confirm that she’s sleeping with Tyga . Yes, that’s a tiger toy on Kylie’s crotch, and we’re hoping we don’t have to spell that one out for you. Kylie and 25-year-old Tyga have been banging for at least a year, and if you do the math, that’s…gross. But while the rest of the world shakes it’s damn head at the thought of this grown-ass man with a kid of his own exploiting a wealthy teenager, one important person in Kylie’s life says it’s all kosher. Yes, Kris Jenner approves of Kylie and Tyga . Even weirder, Kris reportedly has nothing but the highest praise for the dude who left his mother of his child in order to bang her teenage daughter. “There’s not much she could say since Kylie is an adult now,” a source tells People magazine. “Kris actually supports their relationship big time.” “She thinks he is the next hip hop genius of our generation and wants to do anything she can to help him succeed.” Apologies in advance to Tyga’s fans (you both might want to stop reading here), but if he’s a hip hop genius, then Chet Haze is the next Eminem. Perhaps Kris needs to give a listen to Tyga’s “Stimulated” – an ode to statutory rape with a video in which he gropes her youngest child – before she makes any grand statements about his talent. View Slideshow: Kylie Jenner and Tyga Photos: Kyga 4-Eva?