Tag Archives: wears-the-ring

Tila Tequila Missing? Reality Star Misses Flight; Manager Concerned, Police Investigating

Police arrived at Tila Tequila’s home in L.A. on Thursday afternoon after the reality star mysteriously failed to show up for an important flight last night. What’s more, Tila’s manager is worried she’s gone missing. Tila had already been paid for an eight-city singing tour in Germany (seriously) and was scheduled to take off Wednesday night at 11:30 p.m. She never showed up to LAX , however, sparking concerns. Tequila’s manager was notified today she didn’t make the flight and called Tila for an explanation. The oft-troubled star did not answer the phone. The manager was therefore worried and sent her assistant to Tila’s house to check on Tequila; the assistant knocked on the door, and got no answer. She had been in rehab in March for substance abuse and psychological issues following an apparent suicide attempt , aneurysm and drug overdose. Tila left rehab in April after a 30-day stay, and her rep insisted at the time that she had fully recovered and was the healthiest Tila had ever been. Hopefully this is nothing. More details to follow. UPDATE: She’s been found! Inside her house! [Photo: WENN.com]

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Tila Tequila Missing? Reality Star Misses Flight; Manager Concerned, Police Investigating

Brian Presley, Married Actor, Hits on Model; Melissa Stetten Live Tweets Adultery Attempt

Tip for idiots looking to cheat on your wives: Make sure the model you hit on isn’t posting every one of your douchebag comments LIVE for the world to read. Actor Brian Presley, the star of Touchback , was humiliated on Twitter courtesy of model Melissa Stetten, who live Tweeted his attempt at adultery . Apparently, Presley attempted to hit on Stetten during a red eye flight Wednesday, and she documented the whole thing, humiliating the actor. It’s both hilarious and sad on so many levels, considering that Brian Presley is a devout Christian married for 10 years with a kid, and is supposedly sober. Stetten tweeted that he drank three Heinekens during the flight, of course, among many other choice details that don’t exactly help Brian’s reputation. Considering Presley plays a star QB in Touchback (with Kurt Russell) the botched football reference is as appropriate as it is moronic. Brian? Not smart. Some of Stetten’s more choice tweets appear below … “No thanks, Brian, the actor sitting next to me on this flight talking about his role with Kurt Russell and his spiritual beliefs.” “Brian has a wedding ring. I ask how his wife is, and he says he just wears the ring because he likes it. Right, Brian.” “Brian hates closed-minded people but loves artists in the industry, and just called this one-sided conversation a ‘collabo.'” “Holy SHIT! Brian just came back from the bathroom without his wedding ring on! Watch out Virgin America, real charmer on board!” “Brian just said ‘like us sitting here right now, talking about where we’re from, it’s like divine interception.’ right, interception.” “Did I just ruin Brian Presley’s life via twitter?” Yes, Melissa, we’re afraid you did. But we’d say it was worth it. Effing Brian …

Continued here:
Brian Presley, Married Actor, Hits on Model; Melissa Stetten Live Tweets Adultery Attempt