Tag Archives: weighs-as-much

A concrete USB – It holds as much as it weighs

You just typically look at the label of a USB drive to find its capacity, or yes you can plug it in you pc to find its storage size. But what if you could hold a USB and it actually weighs as much as it stores. Insteresting isn't it? http://itgrunts.com/2010/06/05/a-concrete-usb-it-holds-as-much-as-it-weighs/ added by: itgrunts

Stephanie Schönfeld in Some Foreign Film Nudity of the Day

I still forget how old I am so when I hear a bitch who is born in 1978 is getting naked in a movie, I feel like some kind of pervert cuz she’s 8 years younger than me until I actually watch the shit and realize that she looks like a mom and not like a tight little teen girl I expected her to be, because I guess in my mind, I still think I am 22, only my body and vital organs think I’m fucking 60. Either way her name is Stephanie Schönfeld and she’s 31 and naked in some foreign movie…..that I guess is about a 3-way relationship, and bi-sexuality something that has almost happened to me because my wife weighs as much as 2 people….but is definitely not as hot….


See original here:
Stephanie Schönfeld in Some Foreign Film Nudity of the Day