Charlotte Mckinney is acting up in her home state of FLORIDA…not necessarily in an un-FLORIDA way, because Florida is fucking weird as hell, a place where really rich guys end up, and where girls like Charlotte McKinney, come across as the TROPHIES they need to own, now that they’ve got the boats, the houses, the private jets…and these TROPHIES are not just massive tits, but opportunists who are very into the good life…and letting these dudes spend money on them… Sure Charlotte McKinney is Florida rich, her family had money, but her monster tits have a price…if you want to hang with them, or feed them, you gotta be paying…as she’s not getting any actual mainstream work anyway…I mean she did dancing with the stars, I’m pretty sure that’s it….yet she thinks she’s famous, people know who she is, and that’s sellable to rich guys…I mean the tits are sellable to anyone..but they are priced out of our reach….but luckily part of her hustle, with the ugly rat face of hers…is putting the tits out there so that these rich guys know she exists and to do that…involves us non rich guys knowing she exists… All this to say…she seems like the worst, materialistic, overrated, bratty ego…ever…but her tits are ridiculous and rididuclous tits are great….making her famewhoring pretty alright… Here’s Her Top that’s Too Small Bikini: TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE Here’s her Black One Piece Bathing Suit – With Nipple…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE Here’s her weird dance…. Here’s her friend….. The post Charlotte McKinney’s Big Tits Get Fed by Rich Guys of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Charlotte McKinney’s Big Tits Get Fed by Rich Guys of the Day